See Weobley featured on The One Show village special

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The local area

Weobley is an ideal base for exploring Herefordshire, one of England's most rural counties.

Spend time visiting the market towns and villages or simply enjoy the countryside of one of the most beautiful counties in England famous for its cattle and cider orchards.

The Black Mountains, the world famous bookshop town of Hay on Wye and scenic Wye Valley are all nearby. To the north lie the Long Mynd and the Shropshire Hills around Church Stretton and Ludlow. Golfers will enjoy a variety of spectacular courses and walkers will enjoy discovering the delights of the county.

There is an excellent bus service to Hereford and Kington going as far as Llandrindod. Buses run every hour for 6 days a week and a limited service on Sundays too.

Events in the Leominster Area - Please contact Leominster Tourism
ESL Herefordshire Tours and Trails

Visit Herefordshire - things to do in Herefordshire

Visit Herefordshire's Black and White villages a photographers paradise

Black and White-villages by car

For current events, please contact Leominster Tourism

More useful links on our site.

Mellington House
Mellington House


Herefordshire offers a wide variety of activities current Herefordshire events.


Cycling around weobley
Pony treking


Pony treking and horse riding and fishing can also be found nearby.




Karting in Weobley


Karting in Weobley


useful links.

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