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Terms and Conditions. (Self catering)

Opening Dates:
We are open year round but there are booking restrictions at Christmas and New Year and some winter weeks.

Self Catering
Weeks at Melington House - Weeks usually start on Saturdays but please ask if you would like to arrive on a different day.
Weeks at The Cottage - Weeks usually start on Fridays.
Days - Days are charged at room rates. (Minimum 2 night stays)

All Children are welcome.

Disabled Access:
Due to the age and layout of the house and Cottage there is limited wheelchair access. However, "The Old Stable" is all on the ground floor and has few steps inside with level access to the front and rear of the house.

All rooms are non-smoking but we can provide ashtrays for outside on request. We request that no candles are lit in the rooms for fire safety reasons.

Regrettably we are unable to accommodate dogs in some of our apartments.

Payment procedure:
We accept cash, cheques and online bank transfers but cannot currently accept major credit and debit cards. There is a cash machine available in the local shop (small charge applies) and cheques should be made payable to "Mellington House".
Self Catering - full payment is due on arrival.
Payment of the deposit (or full payment) is deemed to be acceptance of these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to refuse any booking application.

A deposit of 30% of the holiday cost is requested to confirm all self catering bookings

Cancellation policy (Self Catering Bookings only):
The following cancellation rates apply:-

Days prior to booking commencement: / Percentage of total holiday cost:
0-2 days (and "no-shows") 100%
3-14 days 60%
15-93 days 30%
Over 93 days 10%

Cancellation by Owners
If we are unable to make the property available as per the booking due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, for example (but not limited to): illness,theft or other damage to the property, we will make every effort to find you alternative local accommodation. If this is not possible any refund will be made immediately.

Condition & Inventory
The property will be inspected and cleaned by the Owners before your arrival and it would be appreciated if you leave it as you find it.
All damages and breakages must be reported and paid for before departure.
A full inventory is available on request, and this inventory is checked at the end of each rental period.

Owner’s Rights & Responsibilities
We reserve the right to enter the accommodation for the purposes of urgent repairs or maintenance at any time.
We cannot take responsibility for any matter outside our control, i.e. damage, injury, delays, or loss, in connection with your holiday arising directly or indirectly from mechanical or electrical breakdown, inclement weather, flood, fire, temporary invasion of pests or any other Act of God, war, farming or building activities, acts of local or central Government, or for nuisance caused from neighbouring properties.

Whilst not a condition of booking, we would strongly recommend that you take out holiday/cancellation insurance.

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