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Restaurants and eating out

Mellington House


There are many good local Pubs and Restaurants nearby.

Here is a guide to help you plan your visit

Restaurant Place Phone Distance (approx)
In Weobley
Salutation Inn Weobley 01544 318443 nearby
Jules restaurant Weobley 01544 318206 nearby
The Red Lion - Lal Bagh Indian restaurant Weobley 01544 318210 nearby
The Green bean Cafe Weobley 01544 318865 Next door
The Unicorn Inn Weobley 07340 477084 Nearby
Less than 10 minutes drive
Dunkertons Cider Barn Pembridge 01544 388161 2 miles
The Crown Dilwyn 01544 318063 2 miles
The White Swan Eardisland 01544 388533 5 miles
The Cross Inn Eardisland 01544 388249 5 miles
Less than 20 minutes drive
The Corners Kingsland 01568 708385 6 miles
The Angel Inn Kingsland 01568 709195 6 miles
Lion inn Woonton 01544 318332 5 miles
New Inn Pembridge 01544 388427 7 miles
The Kings House Pembridge 01544 388029 7 miles
Bateman Arms Shobdon 01544 708374 10 miles
The Boat Inn Whitney-on-Wye 01497 831391 15 miles
Jalalabad Indian Leominster 01568 615656 8 miles
Bell - Tillington Tillington 01432 760395 7 miles
Bell - Yarpole Yarpole 01568 780359 9 miles
Further away but very good
The Stagg Titley 01544 230221 14 miles
The Rydspence Brilley 01497 831262 15 miles
The Three Cocks Hay 01497 847339 18 miles
Baskerville Arms Clyro 01497 820609 18 miles

There is more information on eating out in Herefordshire in "Herefoodie"

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